Thought of the day: Today we got our Christmas tree - healthy, locally grown, and pesticide-free. In the past years, we just grabbed the best looking trees we happened upon, sometimes in a store, sometimes in a roadside tent. We never thought about asking questions. But of course this year is different. A little bit of research showed me that most of the 25 million Christmas trees sold every year in this country were sprayed with pesticides at some point. Some were even sprayed with colorants to look good. Doesn't that dampen the holiday spirit a little to know that the centerpiece in your home may be loaded with chemicals, some of which may not even be approved for residential use, if the approval stamp means anything in the first place? I called a few well known stores and found out that none of them carried untainted trees. One of them was very proud to carry trees "trucked in from Washington and Oregon refrigerated". Well, there goes the energy savings of all the LED lights. Luckily, I called a local tree farm and finally found our Christmas tree - healthy, locally grown, and pesticide-free.
Photo of the day:
Game time, game time... Will there be a game under the Christmas tree this time? I wonder, i wonder... |
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