Thought of the day: This morning we watched a falcon working on its prey in the backyard of Trident Cafe. It was a pretty unusual scene in a city and you could tell that from the attention it commanded from the patrons of the cafe. Could it be a Peregrine Falcon? It used to be an endangered species due to the use of pesticides including DDT. As Peregrine Falcon sits high up on the food chain, it got accumulated, large doses of pesticide exposures which affected its reproduction. Luckily, its population recovered after the worldwide ban of DDT. It took a Silence Spring and the ensuing environmental movement for that to happen. That makes me wonder, what will it take for us to realize that we're becoming an endangered species ourselves, by what we are doing to ourselves and to the environment? That also gives me hope: if we can be motivated enough to save a bird and actually pull it off, perhaps we can be motivated enough to save ourselves and pull it off, too. Only the future will tell.
Photo of the day:
A falcon working on its prey in the backyard of Trident Cafe. |
It's apparently a Cooper's Hawk, not a falcon. The hawk has a larger wingspan than the falcon.