Thought of the day: Tonight I attended an interesting talk by Scott Carlin about his night time photography. He used a tripod for a long exposure and while the shutter was open, he walked around and "painted" selected surfaces and objects with a flash light so they would be illuminated in the image in a way that he envisioned. The result was some pretty striking images that I had never seen before. At the talk, I met a woman who took self-portraits with her built-in laptop camera and then manipulated them with various cartoon like effects. She came up with some pretty surreal images - some of them might be a little disturbing but they were in general pretty unusual and interesting. People can be so incredibly creative. A million people can have a million different ways of perceiving the world and a million different ways of expressing themselves. It's constantly manifested in photography, arts, technology, and daily living. I think each one of us is blessed with a unique vision and voice that can be nurtured when we're young; and when we are older and more capable, as long as we have the courage and conviction to stick to them, we may leave a unique footprint on the earth and enrich the lives of many others. Indeed, much in the same way that the diversity of genes is essential to the survival of species, our individuality is essential to our collective survival.
Photo of the day:
Today I went to Mia's 39+ photo exhibit at CU's UMC Gallery. Her 39+ blog inspired my blog. Mia's photos have a sense of daily progression - every day's image relates to previous day's image either conceptually or visually. I'm more focused within the context of a day as I try to inject a daily thought that can be connected to the image one way or the other. I think we both found a way that worked for us. |
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