Thought of the day: This morning I walked past
Trent's Bench outside of Lucile's Restaurant. It has this inscription on: "
Trent Cole loved life, laughter, and Fletcher's rice pudding porridge. Live life with gratitude. Trent did." I liked that. So I walked in and ordered, guess what, the rice pudding porridge! It looked wonderful and was yummylicious too. I googled the names on the bench afterwards. Fletcher Richard is the owner of Lucile's. And Trent Cole was apparently a successful businessman before he died of a serious disease last year. He took life as an interesting adventure and enjoyed every nuance of it. This is such a healthy attitude and it must take a lot of mental power to carry this attitude through a life time of ups and downs.
Photo of the day:
Rice Pudding Porridge at Lucile's. |
MMMM! This is one of my favorite dishes at Luciles, I can practically taste it.